Dropping 20 Pounds in 10 Days Does Create A Lasting Impact! Here’s How It Happened

Gracie Zaniyah
4 min readDec 30, 2020

Get this, if you’re angry about your weight and want to lose a little more. By losing an unheard of 22lbs pounds in just 10 days, an overweight mom with pre-diabetes has just shocked the medical community. Without starving herself, during the first month, she lost a total of 37lbs. She went on to burn off 84lbs even without exercising (almost a pound a day). Any signs of diabetes or any other life-ending diseases have been removed and eliminated.

And the thing that’s amazing is… this D.I.Y. “carb-pairing” trick was all she did, reconditioning your 3 female weight loss hormones to dramatically speed up fat burning while still eating the weight loss hormones.

Carb Trick In the first month, she dropped a total of 37lbs!

Up to 1LB per day of odd carb trick burns. If you’re like most people… you’re dieting, you’re counting calories, you’re tearing up your treadmill, and so on. Hey, nothing. That was the feeling of an overweight mother with prediabetes. She was doing “all right” and never losing an inch. Pending. Until. In just 10 days, she stumbled on this strange “carb trick” and burned away an unprecedented 22lbs of pounds.

And she did it without starving herself because of this one simple shift in her eating. And without an exercise lick. Get this now… She dropped a total of 37lbs in the first month with the same carb trick! And shocked her doctor by reversing ANY pre diabetic symptoms completely!

Last month, 43-year-old Cousin Sara ended up losing 19 pounds! So my 43-year-old cousin Sara ended up losing 19 pounds last month. D.I.Y. 10-Second Carb Ritual Strips Away Fat I know she tried everything from counting calories, counting “points” and gymnastics to counting calories. Memberships, pills… she loses 10lbs, whatever she does, and then gains 12lbs back. But I was shocked when this weekend I saw her….

She doubled her loss of weight instead of bringing the weight back in the second month. She credits all of it to this breakfast “Flavor-Pairing” trick. The strange thing is that it only works for women and to remove any risk of fat accumulation, the 3 female fat-loss hormones are reconditioned. And the best part is: flavor-weight loss pairing-double answer, using the most desired cards, signals the rapid removal of fat deposits from your hips, legs and stomach. D.I.Y. 10-The Second Flavor-Pairing Trick for Female Weight Loss.

Find Out More About This Awesome Weight Loss Hack!

Instead of getting the weight back in the second month, she doubled her weight loss. She credits it all to this “Flavor-Pairing” trick for breakfast. The weird thing is that it only works for women because the 3 female fat-loss hormones are reconditioned to eliminate any chance of fat storage. And the best part is: flavor-weight loss pairing-double response signals the rapid release of fat deposits from your hips, legs and stomach by using the most desired cards. D.I.Y. 10-Female Weight Loss’ Second Flavor-Pairing Trick.

HARVARD MEDICAL Weight-Loss Women’s Doubling Trick!

Stop dieting and try this one-step trick before bed, just like Kelli, to lose 6 pounds a week for 5 weeks….

You may like Carly, do it before breakfast and lose 84lbs. Or if you want to lose 2 dress sizes in the next 12 days, just make it happen for 10 seconds at least once a day. The only catch is that you need to be a woman over 20 years of age with 15 or more pounds to lose for it to work. In reality, since August of last year, 21,748 “Flavor-Pairing” success stories have been reported!

Or in the next 12 days, if you want to lose 2 dress sizes, just make it happen at least once a day for 10 seconds. The only catch is that for it to run, you need to be a woman over 20 years of age with 15 or more pounds to lose. In fact, 21,748 “Flavor-Pairing” success storeys have been recorded since August of last year!

21,748 Women, 374,701lbs Missing- This Changes All As you already know, I’m sure. Nearly 100 percent of plans for diet and exercise don’t work. In fact, Stanford Medical places the rate of female weight loss failure at about 98 percent. But what about that 2 percent of that small 2 percent of quick, effective and secure solutions that actually work for every single woman who attempts it. They all have one thing in common, it turns out and it’s referred to as “Flavor-Pairing.” The frustrating part of this ritual is Female-Only. It’s been hiding for decades in plain sight…. We’ve just been looking at all of the stuff in!

Find Out More About This Awesome Weight Loss Hack!

Improper locations. Instead of dieting, counting calories, taking pills and doing exercise, it was only until dieting nearly killed her that one woman stumbled upon the secret that saved her life and changed her body in record time. She started mixing her favorite foods with Flavor-Pair and lost 84lbs in 6 months. Are you immune to weight loss?

